Bij het typen van de zoektermen krijg je suggesties. Om deze te bekijken, gebruik je de pijltjestoetsen omhoog en omlaag. Met enter maak je een keuze. Als de selectie een zin is, wordt die zin als zoekopdracht gebruikt. Als de suggestie een link is, wordt de pagina geopend in de browser.
Zo werkt het

Waarom sommige prijzen doorgehaald zijn

Good news! You’re being offered a great deal. We only cross out a price when the one being offered is at least 10% lower than usual for a particular night. Who doesn’t love knowing they’re on to a good thing?

Types of discounts

  • Weekly or monthly discount: Hosts sometimes offer discounts on the nightly price for stays that are at least 7 days long.
  • Early bird discount: Hosts can offer a discount on the nightly price when guests book a certain number of days prior to their trip. For example, a Host might set a 15% discount for stays booked at least 2 months in advance.
  • Price drop: Hosts lower their price for specific dates that they choose.

How we calculate true discounts for price drops

We track all Host’s prices over time. By looking at the median price over the previous 60 days, we work out each Host’s average price. If a Host drops their price by 10% or more below the median for a particular date, we highlight the saving by crossing out the original price.

How it works

Let’s say you search for a night in June. We can see that over the last 60 days, the Host has changed the price for that night on 4 different occasions. We calculate the median price for this night by adding the middle 2 prices together, and dividing them by 2.

Price 1: $90
Price 2: $100
Price 3: $125
Price 4: $140

Median price: ($100 + $125) / 2 = $112.50

Next, we compare this median price to the current price of the night you searched for. If the current price is at least 10% less than the median ($112.50 in this example), we show you the median price crossed out, next to the discounted price.

Ex: $112.50 $100

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