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Zo werkt het
Host van ervaring

Hoe stel ik een sluitingstijd voor inschrijvingen in voor mijn ervaring?

You have two cutoff times: one to get your first booking and one to get your last booking.

  • First cutoff time: If no one books by a certain time, you have the option to remove that instance of your experience without penalty. This helps you know in advance whether you'll be hosting or not.
    • For example, if you set your first cutoff time to 1 day before the start time and no one books by then, the experience will be removed from search.
  • Second cutoff time: After you get at least one booking, you can set the second cutoff time.
    • For example, if you set the second cutoff time to 2 hours before the start time, then additional guests can book up to two hours before the experience begins. Booking will close 2 hours prior to the start time.

Sluitingstijden instellen:

  1. Ga naar Ervaringen en klik op Aanpassen.
  2. Klik onder Algemene instellingen op Reserveringsinstellingen.
  3. Kies je voorkeuren voor sluitingstijden en klik daarna op Opslaan.
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